Please make my blog popular
There I am again at my wits. After cajoling/coercing some folks into reading my blog – I realized that this will not work in the long run - so went seeking for some tips as to what will make others interested in my blog . I very well understand that generating content daily is an uphill task nevertheless took it as a challenge not sure till what time this journey will last. Still on the subject of the feedback – the blog should be a bit more personal than what I have said so far. This made me thinking.
I personally feel that we all lead at least two lives. One is the our innermost self with all the deep dark secrets, those weakness smartly tucked away - you know what I mean. The other self is what is projected to the outside world – the personality what consciously or unconsciously we keep modelling both of the very core to our existence balancing out each other in the normal course with each part giving and deriving strength from each other.
Coming back ( you might have guessed by now – like to give sermons at the drop of the hat ) - what do I write on my personal front – as mentioned earlier the personality to the outside world is fairly known and folks have their own opinion so what could be more interesting now - the best I can do now ? there are enough internal turmoil to write about ; those seemingly ludicrous monents of high - Already getting this knotty feeling in my gut. Or do I write about things which make me weak in my knees , those days about feeling down and out ( for no reason ). What will the folks think - pour souls who have been kind of forced into reading through this. Am I exposing my self ? for example Can I write that my current job is getting boring and need a change -- did I spill the beans ? Will people take advantage ? What do I do ? where do I go ? Unwitttingly seem to have opened a pandora's box.
Inviting some feedback ....