Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Money honey

I dont have a great relationship with Money. Some how the more I want it the more it is elusive. Though this is relative, I never seem to have enough when I compare myself to my peers. In this age of capitalism where materialism matters more than anything else , the instant gratification can only be provided with money and nothing else. The luxuries of olden times have become necessities today. Money has never been flaunted like this . there seems to be no great relationship between how much a person deserves ( probably a perception ) and how much a person actually has. Though a seaming inference may be that my peers are undeserving .. the moot point is that how fast and quickly a person can capitalise on the opportunities can make that vital difference. The obvious example is the ESOPs given by a lot of companies which dollar millionaires out of ordinary blokes who in a lot of cases could not even have dreamt to have made that kind of money in their lifetime. Though this may sound a bit out of frustration on missing the bus but I find this echo with a lot of ordinary junta.

Recently one of my friends mentioned an advt about a housing complex which had the tag line .. what is the difference between "haves" and "have lots" - the houses were meant disbelieving for the "have lots". India is on the way to become a Trillion dollar economy and even the stock market capitalisation is due to touch the magical figure. Though I may sound like a pseudo secularist in the garb of a capitalism desisting animal but the spoils of the stupendous and spectacular growth has been cornered by a select few who have access to all corridors. The most die hard of capitalist countries have social security built into the civil fabric.

More on this to come ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.