Thursday, December 07, 2006

Free again ...

I still remmember that the term Inertia being taught in the physics class during the secondry school. The physics definition is actually very interesting "the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force" . The point to be noted is to act without the external force. I kept thinking how this has affected me - how many times dont react or take action even when it could be absolutely necessary and by the time it becomes imperative the essence may be lost or even the opportunity. The so called power of "positive procastination". The funny part how do
I keep postponing doing things and how this is a larger part of the inbuilt human tendency.I have seen this affecting both the personal and professional lives. I am yet to figure out how and when we decide to act only on specific cases until coerced in acting/taking a stand. The best part is most of us even realise that by postponing or not acting now - the ultimate looser could your self ( this definitely sounds cliched) .The consequence - guilt takes over and start repenting ( If I had blah, blah, blah ) .. I have gone through this innumerable times. Will not waste time now - its been to much..
How do I get over this. Act now ! First things first do all things have been wanting to do .. dont look back.. do now ..I am offf .. I am not getting pulled ... free again

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