Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The great divide

This is a bit serious stuff - its so difficult to understand how even within religions - fanaticism can be so brutal probably inter religion animosity is plausible though not justifiable but intra religion ? I still don't any religion actually preaches hatred and any sort of barbaric behaviour. The current turmoil in Iraq is a testimony. I always wondered what was the difference between the different facets of Islam and what is the genesis such passion among its followers. There have been so many brutalities committed in the name of religion and its interpretation. Such a wide chasm between the liberals/moderates and the hardliners. I have tried to go through a lot of articles which explains the philosophy behind the shias and sunnis but most of them either were too in depth for a layman like me to understand and be hooked to the story or too superficial. An article in the Time magazine bridges that gap and gives in my opinion an unbiased view. Though a bit long but the perspectives are very much concise and reinforces the belief that most of the hatred is not because of the tenets of the religion but beyond it which is mostly power and dominance.


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